Years ago, a family friend expressed a Christmas Holiday wish, to to experience a day as happy as the people in TV beer commercials. The statement stuck with me. The question came up for me, if I'm in pursuit of "happiness," what will it look or feel like when I find it?
I would like to be happy, and I wish happiness on everyone. Is it possible for everyone to be happy at once? Would that be like big beer party, only happening for a day, then returning to business as usual? or could happiness be something entirely different.
I began looking into the meaning of "happiness." "A state of well being and contentment," says Merriam-Webster. At first, this struck me as underwhelming. Isn't happiness more like "I got a raise, my team won the championship, my child got a good job, I found a $100 on my walk?"
Tony Robbins talks about "changing your state" when you're down in the dumps. Simple gestures like throwing your hands out to the side quickly a couple of times, or smiling, will invigorate, release endorphins and make you feel better. I began smiling, privately, while I walked to work. I experienced rushes of nice feelings. I began to notice my thoughts about this phenomenon.
"People will think I'm crazy if they see me smiling by myself, I'd better stop." "I'm upset--I deserve the right to STAY upset--and not use this phony method to 'Change my state.'" Or my internal, striped-shirted referee threw penalty flags into the air. "I'm cheating at life, I'm feeling happy for no reason. There have been no changes in my life to bring me such pleasure, I haven't accomplished something. I don't deserve this!"
I was troubled. I was feeling better by making little changes. It cannot be this simple. Then I read the statement, "Happiness is an attitude you bring with you to your activities." What!? Isn't happiness the feeling of success? Achievement? Good fortune? A celebration? If the quote is even POSSIBLE, wouldn't that mean that happy person is carrying happiness around with him?
What a thought.
More tomorrow.
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